So as I am sitting here writing this I have a sleeping angel on the couch. Dang the cold that he has acquired, it is probably from me. I am so thankful, even though he is feeling punky, I am thankful that when things like this come on us, we can handle this. So many times I wonder what God has planned and why he puts us through the things he does. But as I sit here I am so thankful that he has chosen US to take these life trials on. I try to think of myself 6 years ago and I remembering the excitement of being pregnant and what all of that meant. Now looking at things and shaking my head and thinking if you only knew. Knowing not in a woulda, shoulda, coulda thing. More like a "Look where you are" kind of thing. I am so thankful that I was chosen to be this beautiful child's keeper. I am so glad that he thought that I was worthy of this special soul. I know days I question as where he is leading us, but I am so thankful that I have found peace in that. Now with us taking this HUGE step in this "Quest" I am so thankful for God, Family, and most of all Heart. Heart of a community that has been so amazing. There are days that I really don't want to make a 3 hour drive to Denver, or I am frustrated that I can't find what I need for a project. BUT, in times like this I am so thankful I live HERE. I love this community and all the people that make it up. Without you this dream would not be possible.
Thank you
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